writing journey

7 Days Until The Masjid Kamal Loves

I still feel joy from all the love The Little Mermaid: Make A Splash received, but my happiness is currently doubled. In only 7 days, my newest picture book, The Masjid Kamal Loves, enters the world! The fact that this joyous picture book will be available in a week means that a smile has never… Read more »

Here I am.

Yes, that’s me. Here I am with the two books that firmly launched me into the realm of princess things. Not Quite Snow White is actually directly responsible for my being able to do Disney’s The Little Mermaid: Make a Splash picture book. That’s a story for another time. I didn’t get into publishing to… Read more »

I write. I teach. I mom. I need rest.

I write. I teach. I mom. I thought my use of this phrase would be a good way to make sure that I stay relatively on topic when using social media. At the time, I thought it was cute. I mean, it is catchy.  However, time has now passed since I began using this pithy… Read more »

Intentional Joy

How did I keep my writing life from coming to a screeching halt due to the pandemic?

I was intentional with my choices–particularly joy.

cup of coffee served on table with notepad and pen

Why I Write for Kids

I was an only child for the first nine years of my life. I spent much of my early years living with my grandparents. Like any other kid, I had a lot of toys. And being an only child didn’t stop me from having friends and playing outside. Still, my favorite memories are always the… Read more »