
Screenshot showing a final grade of A- with a congratulatory sticker in the shape of a burst with the text: I did it!

My Experience as an Online Graduate Student

What’s going on in the life of one of your favorite authors? Well, as you know (ahem): I write. I teach. I mom. What you may not know: I just finished my first graduate-level marketing course at SNHU! I am pleased and proud to report that I ended up with an A-. I went into… Read more »

Why Superheroes?

If you follow me on social media, I’ve spent the past few days discussing a recent author visit that I did. That’s right! This is the newest part of my author life. I’m offering in-person school visits. It’s funny that I wanted to be an author when I was younger because I thought they got… Read more »

Happy (almost) Birthday!

Hey kid, Well, tomorrow is our birthday. We’ll be 39. Can you believe it? That might sound really old to you now, but trust me, it doesn’t feel old. It’s been a while, so I wanted to take some time to catch you up on a few things. First, we grow up to be a… Read more »


Promo for The Little Mermaid and The Masjid Kamal Loves is pretty much over, so I get a little break. What are my plans? To treat myself just a little bit–likely in the form of a movie. Personally, I cannot wait for the Barbie movie to come out. July 21st cannot come fast enough! My… Read more »