writing journey

My Halloweensie Entry: Geraldine’s Boo Debut

I decided yesterday I was going to actually write a story for Susanna Hill’s Halloweensie contest. She has awesome prizes, so why not? So, while the kids are taking their sweet time eating their 2nd breakfast (morning grazers). The story had to use the words ghost, spider, and moon in some way. It also had… Read more »

Of course, hard work, but LUCK!

Hey, writer! Clearly we work hard to hone our crafts. Some of us spend years in the query trenches. Many of us spend a great deal of money  on critiques, books, conferences, and courses. Does that guarantee our success? Absolutely not. When you are frustrated, and maybe even irritable, with where you are in your writing… Read more »

On being bad at waiting

I suck at waiting. I am crazy impatient. Guess what you can’t be when you’re working towards being a published writer: impatient. I distinctly remember waiting to hear back from agents as being ridiculously agonizing? I had to stop my emails from getting pushed to my phone. I didn’t know what to expect after I… Read more »

It's not a competition, but it is.

Having a writer friend is awesome when you are a writer as well. You have someone who understands what it’s like to work endlessly throughout the day and still sometimes feel like you’ve done nothing. You have someone to maybe bounce ideas off of. You have someone who knows when you need a little extra support… Read more »

Good critiques matter!

    If you’re a writer, and you’re on the fence about sharing your work, I’ll tell you the same thing I tell my students: Get over yourself! Why? A good critique can help you take your writing to the next level. Yes, many talk about the overall importance of critiques. Let’s be real. If… Read more »