writing journey

An agent? For me? Pinch me!

Breaking news: Today, this happened: https://twitter.com/Jen_Corkill/status/753460845682696193 It’s true! I now have an agent, and I think we fit together fabulously well. I feel so blessed and fortunate to have hit such a huge milestone in my writing journey. *Disclaimer, I don’t usually make multiple posts in a week. It’s just been that kind of week. Don’t… Read more »

Won’t you be my (bookshelf) neighbor?

This week on Twitter, I had a super brief conversation (after all, it is Twitter) in which I agreed that having diversity simply for the sake of diversity in literature is an epic fail. To be honest, I hadn’t even thought of this as an issue until the original poster’s tweet graced me with its… Read more »

On writing diverse children's books

The We Need Diverse Books folks have done a great job of making one thing clear: We do, in fact, need diverse books. They have their reasons and their mission, and I’m all for it. Still, I have my own reasons as to why I have chosen to write diverse children’s books. I was an only… Read more »

I write. I teach. I mom.

Yup, that’s pretty much what I do. I’m not new to blogging, but I am in the newest phase of my writing journey. During those moments when I daydreamed about being a writer, I never thought that I’d try writing children’s literature. To be fair, this writing daydream changed a few times. Version 1: I’ll… Read more »