writer’s life

I write. I teach. I mom. I need rest.

I write. I teach. I mom. I thought my use of this phrase would be a good way to make sure that I stay relatively on topic when using social media. At the time, I thought it was cute. I mean, it is catchy.  However, time has now passed since I began using this pithy… Read more »

Image of two yellow, square pillows surrounding a pink notebook hot pink pencil case with a monster face.

It was a good day.

I’m not saying this will work perfectly well every day, but I am saying that I am willing to be more intentional about my pursuit of happiness.

Intentional Joy

How did I keep my writing life from coming to a screeching halt due to the pandemic?

I was intentional with my choices–particularly joy.

cup of coffee served on table with notepad and pen

Why I Write for Kids

I was an only child for the first nine years of my life. I spent much of my early years living with my grandparents. Like any other kid, I had a lot of toys. And being an only child didn’t stop me from having friends and playing outside. Still, my favorite memories are always the… Read more »