
Happy (almost) Birthday!

Hey kid, Well, tomorrow is our birthday. We’ll be 39. Can you believe it? That might sound really old to you now, but trust me, it doesn’t feel old. It’s been a while, so I wanted to take some time to catch you up on a few things. First, we grow up to be a… Read more »

Acknowledging the “What-ifs”

It’s okay to acknowledge your doubts, but don’t let your doubts keep you from progressing with your writing.

Why I Wrote about My “Failed” Ramadan

Yesterday, I had a piece published in Romper that discussed my first “failed” Ramadan. You can find it here. We are naturally inclined to hide our faults. After all, we want others to think of us fondly or in a positive manner. Then why did I choose to discuss the time when I did not… Read more »

Kitchen Conversations (for Char and Michelle)

This was one of the first pieces that I wrote that I was proud of. It’s not something that I’d intended to send to an agent or a magazine. It’s something that I wrote for me. I wrote it to see if I could. I’d been writing academic papers for so long, I wanted to… Read more »