Writing Life

A Close(r) Look at Distance Education

I’ve worked in online education for nearly 15 years. Still, I am aware that some are still skeptical about the quality of the education distance learning can provide.  Because I am in the unique perspective of having experience as an online instructor and now student, I can give an honest assessment from both sides. I look forward to sharing my experience.

Why Superheroes?

If you follow me on social media, I’ve spent the past few days discussing a recent author visit that I did. That’s right! This is the newest part of my author life. I’m offering in-person school visits. It’s funny that I wanted to be an author when I was younger because I thought they got… Read more »

Text reads My Highlights Foundation scholarship will help me inspire kids!

Don’t Block your Blessings

The moral of this story is going to be a follows: Don’t block your own blessings. Despite not really believing I would receive a Highlights Scholarship, I applied. I’ve got to remember not to accept a “no” that was never said.


Promo for The Little Mermaid and The Masjid Kamal Loves is pretty much over, so I get a little break. What are my plans? To treat myself just a little bit–likely in the form of a movie. Personally, I cannot wait for the Barbie movie to come out. July 21st cannot come fast enough! My… Read more »

7 Days Until The Masjid Kamal Loves

I still feel joy from all the love The Little Mermaid: Make A Splash received, but my happiness is currently doubled. In only 7 days, my newest picture book, The Masjid Kamal Loves, enters the world! The fact that this joyous picture book will be available in a week means that a smile has never… Read more »