
Word image of the phrase "Honesty is the best policy."

The Importance of Kindness & Honesty in Distance Education

“Honesty is the best policy.”    I bet you’d need more than both hands and feet to count how many times you’ve heard this. Yet, it still manages to be a difficult principle to apply in our daily lives, especially in higher education. Distance education is convenient. It’s not easy. That’s the honest truth.   … Read more »


Promo for The Little Mermaid and The Masjid Kamal Loves is pretty much over, so I get a little break. What are my plans? To treat myself just a little bit–likely in the form of a movie. Personally, I cannot wait for the Barbie movie to come out. July 21st cannot come fast enough! My… Read more »

I write. I teach. I mom. I need rest.

I write. I teach. I mom. I thought my use of this phrase would be a good way to make sure that I stay relatively on topic when using social media. At the time, I thought it was cute. I mean, it is catchy.  However, time has now passed since I began using this pithy… Read more »

When Everything Seems Wrong…

This can’t be the new normal. What is normal, even? …

I can tell you about how I feel about this: I feel like some days, every decision I make is probably wrong, and I am filled with what-ifs.

For now, we have eggs.

I am fully vaccinated. I felt like it was the least I could do in a pandemic that has been so large, so overwhelming, and so…much. I thought that with vaccination, I would regain my confidence to step back into the world. Silly me. I had anxiety before the pandemic started. I’m not sure why… Read more »