Writing Rules and You

The rules of writing aren’t set in stone. Find what works for you…and then get to it!

Acknowledging the “What-ifs”

It’s okay to acknowledge your doubts, but don’t let your doubts keep you from progressing with your writing.

Critique Cheat Sheet

In the most recent installment of things that I’m doing instead of rebuilding my website (Don’t judge me.), I made a Critique Cheat Sheet! Here it is as a Google Doc. So, why did I make it? I’ve been teaching at the college level for nearly ten years, and it never fails that peer reviews/… Read more »

Why I Wrote about My “Failed” Ramadan

Yesterday, I had a piece published in Romper that discussed my first “failed” Ramadan. You can find it here. We are naturally inclined to hide our faults. After all, we want others to think of us fondly or in a positive manner. Then why did I choose to discuss the time when I did not… Read more »