Writing Distractions Part 2 (focusing on my own work)

Since getting the double carpal tunnel diagnosis, I’ve pulled back a great deal on how much I’m actually on the computer. Aside from writing, I solely work online. This means that I am always typing.
It has helped, but I have had to make the hard decision to “rough it” for a while and not teach as many classes as I have been. I’m taking a term off from one school. It’s the first time I’ve done this. I worked up the time they wheeled me down the hall to have a c-section both times.
I am still going to teach one class, but it doesn’t start until mid January. Work is a necessity, but it also keeps me from writing as much as I would like. I think it’s important to realize that we have to give our writing the importance that it deserves. If we treat it like a hobby,  or something that’s not a priority, I think that shows in our work.
Anyway, this newfound (forced) break will give me a little bit of extra time. I plan to take advantage of it and solely focus on my own writing.
Yup, I won’t be doing any new critiques whatsoever starting this week and lasting until mid-January. I have a NF WIP that I plan on sinking my teeth into, and I can’t wait.

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