When a girl who has no agent starts looking for one

I’m back in the query trenches, and it’s terrifying! Creating something from nothing isn’t just talent. It’s a gift. Now to find an agent who wants to help me share this gift with the world.

Tinkering around with a new revision strategy

I wrote a picture book story of Black Creole girl a while ago. The few editors that responded did like it, but they either a) weren’t in love with it enough to buy it OR b) wanted me to up the stakes. One particular editor commented that as she read it, it made her want… Read more »

I got a critique that hurt my feelings.

So, here’s what happened. I’d written something that I thought was great. Like…every time that I read over it, I expected some sort of holy light to shine down on it. Real talk. I am just that ridiculous. So, I sent it over to my faves at Rate Your Story, and it came back with… Read more »

On leaving my agent

I know you’re probably shocked to see me post since I haven’t posted in ages, and for that I apologize. You see, when your life revolves around your use of words, you sometimes have to know when not to run your mouth. I’ve posted several times about my desire to be transparent with you about… Read more »

"But what if the other kids bully me?"

This is the reasoning my 5yo gave me as to why he doesn’t want to tell the kids at his new school that he is Muslim. I’m torn between a wth and an ugly cry. I was prepared for his other questions: Will I make friends? What if I don’t make friends? What if I… Read more »