
Weixin: A Social Media Marketing Case Study

Only time will tell what the outcome will be for Weixin. Will they continue to grow and become the ideal social networking app that others aim to replicate? What Weixin has done is nothing short of remarkable, and it stems from knowing the wants and behaviors of their audience.  

Warby Parker: A Social Media Marketing Case Study

No one chooses to not have perfect vision. As someone who is wholly discombobulated until finding her glasses in the morning, I could do without that particular morning ritual. However, I must live in my truth. I can’t see much without my glasses. Here’s the thing: glasses can cost a pretty penny even when you… Read more »

A Close(r) Look at Distance Education

I’ve worked in online education for nearly 15 years. Still, I am aware that some are still skeptical about the quality of the education distance learning can provide.  Because I am in the unique perspective of having experience as an online instructor and now student, I can give an honest assessment from both sides. I look forward to sharing my experience.

Screenshot showing a final grade of A- with a congratulatory sticker in the shape of a burst with the text: I did it!

My Experience as an Online Graduate Student

What’s going on in the life of one of your favorite authors? Well, as you know (ahem): I write. I teach. I mom. What you may not know: I just finished my first graduate-level marketing course at SNHU! I am pleased and proud to report that I ended up with an A-. I went into… Read more »