
Critique Cheat Sheet

In the most recent installment of things that I’m doing instead of rebuilding my website (Don’t judge me.), I made a Critique Cheat Sheet! Here it is as a Google Doc. So, why did I make it? I’ve been teaching at the college level for nearly ten years, and it never fails that peer reviews/… Read more »

Tinkering around with a new revision strategy

I wrote a picture book story of Black Creole girl a while ago. The few editors that responded did like it, but they either a) weren’t in love with it enough to buy it OR b) wanted me to up the stakes. One particular editor commented that as she read it, it made her want… Read more »

I got a critique that hurt my feelings.

So, here’s what happened. I’d written something that I thought was great. Like…every time that I read over it, I expected some sort of holy light to shine down on it. Real talk. I am just that ridiculous. So, I sent it over to my faves at Rate Your Story, and it came back with… Read more »