
"Every idea ain't a good idea!"

I’m not sure which older person in my life said this to me, but I certainly remember hearing it more than once. I also know that it rings very true. While we are busy Story Storming our hearts out over the last week, let’s not get bogged down in the details. It’s highly unlikely that… Read more »

Lemonade anyone?

Life has been pelting me with lemons! I do have carpal tunnel, so I recently had to get those steroid injections in both wrists. That kind of sucked. It put me in a real funk, honestly. Nothing has really been moving on the publishing front. I’m getting more accustomed to the waiting. I’m not nearly… Read more »

What's the tub journal I keep talking about?

Okay, so if you’ve been following me on Twitter for more than a week, there’s a pretty good chance that at some point you’ve seen me mention a tub journal. I’m sure that many of you can relate to feeling like you have to multitask or things will never get done. Busy parents, I know… Read more »