My first SCBWI meeting

Do you SCBWI? I do. Okay, I just went to my first meeting out in Madisonville, La.on Saturday. I had no idea what to expect, so I did the most logical thing I could think of: I convinced my husband that he wanted to go. He went alright. He happens to know everyone everywhere, so… Read more »

Write? Get an accountability partner.

As writers, many of us want the same things. We want to get published. We want that feeling of knowing we have completed something that many others dream of. While on our writing journeys, many of us also want critique partners. (I too have to round some new ones up from time to time.) But,… Read more »

An agent? For me? Pinch me!

Breaking news: Today, this happened: It’s true! I now have an agent, and I think we fit together fabulously well. I feel so blessed and fortunate to have hit such a huge milestone in my writing journey. *Disclaimer, I don’t usually make multiple posts in a week. It’s just been that kind of week. Don’t… Read more »

Won’t you be my (bookshelf) neighbor?

This week on Twitter, I had a super brief conversation (after all, it is Twitter) in which I agreed that having diversity simply for the sake of diversity in literature is an epic fail. To be honest, I hadn’t even thought of this as an issue until the original poster’s tweet graced me with its… Read more »

On writing diverse children's books

The We Need Diverse Books folks have done a great job of making one thing clear: We do, in fact, need diverse books. They have their reasons and their mission, and I’m all for it. Still, I have my own reasons as to why I have chosen to write diverse children’s books. I was an only… Read more »