Lemonade anyone?

Life has been pelting me with lemons! I do have carpal tunnel, so I recently had to get those steroid injections in both wrists. That kind of sucked. It put me in a real funk, honestly. Nothing has really been moving on the publishing front. I’m getting more accustomed to the waiting. I’m not nearly… Read more »

Of course, hard work, but LUCK!

Hey, writer! Clearly we work hard to hone our crafts. Some of us spend years in the query trenches. Many of us spend a great deal of money  on critiques, books, conferences, and courses. Does that guarantee our success? Absolutely not. When you are frustrated, and maybe even irritable, with where you are in your writing… Read more »

To my son, on your 1st day of pre-k

I thought I’d be doing nothing but happy dances when you finally went to school. Boy, was I wrong. It’s the night before your big day, and I’m an emotional disaster. Today lots of people were tweeting #IStandForDiversity in support of diversity in literature. Clearly, there are many who feel differently. How truly ugly the… Read more »

Not Blowing the Online Discussion Board as an Instructor

I have been teaching online for some years now, and I have found that no matter the greatness of an online course’s content, the discussion board has the ability to make or break a course. How is that? As an instructor, the discussion board serves as the gateway to your students. The topics, tone, and frequency of… Read more »

On being bad at waiting

I suck at waiting. I am crazy impatient. Guess what you can’t be when you’re working towards being a published writer: impatient. I distinctly remember waiting to hear back from agents as being ridiculously agonizing? I had to stop my emails from getting pushed to my phone. I didn’t know what to expect after I… Read more »