Yup, that’s pretty much what I do. I’m not new to blogging, but I am in the newest phase of my writing journey. During those moments when I daydreamed about being a writer, I never thought that I’d try writing children’s literature. To be fair, this writing daydream changed a few times.
Version 1: I’ll write a bestseller and become a household name for my wonderfulness.
Version 2: I’ll write something super deep and it’ll be in college campuses across the United States.
Version 3: Maybe I’ll just try to get a book of poetry together.
Version 4: Hey, I love reading to my kids. Who doesn’t love picture books?
Clearly, we’re going with Version 4.The question still stands: Who doesn’t love picture books?
So, thank you in advance for continuing my journey with me. I’m sure we will have a few laughs along the way. There will likely be frustrations, but there will always be hope. In my opinion, you can’t go wrong with that.

I write. I teach. I mom. I learn. Yes, that’s right. I am back in school. I’m currently attending SNHU online and will be sharing my experiences here. How’s this relevant? Why am I doing this? Well, I’m going for a graduate certificate in social media marketing. If I’m going to keep writing books, I might as well learn how to properly do social media and connect with my readers. I’m equal parts scared and excited. Buckle up, reader. We’re going on a side quest.