I’ve done it! I’m back in school. Why? To be honest, I’m not entirely sure. Could it be because I’ll be 40 in a few months and wanted to start something meaningful and new? Could it have been boredom? (HA! Not with this mile-long, daily to-do list!) I could share the many possibilities as to why I thought going back to school for a certificate in marketing was a good idea. Instead, I’m going to share with you five reasons why this has been a humbling experience and why I started to quit my first week as an adult learner.
5 Reasons Why Being an Adult Learner is Hard:
1. The laundry doesn’t stop.

School and responsibilities: An Epic Battle
It really doesn’t. Your household obligations don’t stop simply because you’ve decided to go to school. See this laundry here? I’m certain it piled up to spite me just because it KNEW I had an assignment to do. I’m going to need a specific laundry day.
2. You can never fully expect the unexpected.
We had a tornado rip through our area. We were fortunate. Others were not. My biggest concerns were wondering if the food in the fridge and freezer had spoiled and when I would have internet access again. There’s no way I could’ve planned ahead for that.
3. Life keeps on lifing.
Birthdays, holidays, movie nights, family obligations, etc., all still happen while you’re attending school. FOMO is real, and it is heavy. There may come a point when you become a bit resentful that you have to sacrifice so many of the good things in your life. There are many shows and movies I’m missing out on because there’s no way I will be able to indulge AND study.
4. Priorities? Everything’s a priority!
Whether you’re obligated to care for the tiny humans you’ve created, beloved furry friends, or simply yourself, you can’t just stop meeting those needs. Without a proper plan in place, everything can feel like a priority that must be addressed ASAP, but in reality, it’s a necessity to prioritize in earnest. It has been hard for me to realize that I can’t do everything I want to regardless of how important something may seem at the time. Some of those important things will just have to wait.
5. It’s scary!
Beginning a new thing can be quite scary. First of all, I know NOTHING about marketing. I majored in English for a reason. The creative part of my brain is where I am most comfortable. Yet, here I am looking at charts and creating a SWOT analysis for a service I made up. I never feel like I know what I’m talking about, and I hate that feeling. Still, all this new-to-me content is fascinating!
I’ve said all of this to say don’t worry about me quitting. I don’t intend to. If I thought being an adult learner was impossible, I honestly wouldn’t be an instructor. I believe in seeing and helping students thrive, not setting them up for failure. Being in the position of the student instead of the teacher now has given me a new perspective, and I hope to keep sharing it with you as I continue this journey. Long live education! Wish me luck.