I still feel joy from all the love The Little Mermaid: Make A Splash received, but my happiness is currently doubled.
In only 7 days, my newest picture book, The Masjid Kamal Loves, enters the world!

The fact that this joyous picture book will be available in a week means that a smile has never left my face for months now! My author dreams are becoming my reality.
As a revert, I didn’t grow up in the masjid. Did that make it hard for me to imagine the happiness Kamal feels? Absolutely not! I’ve seen this joy spread across the faces of my own children.
Moreover, I got to experience the joy of being welcomed into the Muslim community as an adult. When I think of the joy I experienced at the masjid where I took Shahada, I can’t help but have a “smile so wide it hides [my] eyes.”
Another reason to smile? The Masjid Kamal Loves received a starred review from Kirkus–my very first star! You can learn more about the book and access its buy links here.