Yesterday was the first day of the New Year. The weather was great-65 degrees. That’s not only amazing for January, but last week we were in the single digits. What a difference!
I used to think that good days just happened to people. I also used to think the same thing about happiness. It wasn’t until recently that I realized you have to be intentional about both. My only goal for yesterday was for it to be a good day. That’s it. That was my only plan.
I only did things that made me smile. I didn’t even cook! If I’m being honest, that hardly ever makes me smile. We ordered some biryani, butter chicken, and vegetable samosas. Later, I set up my writing tent. Honestly, I couldn’t resist. My kids and I even played a little badminton in the backyard. It was a simple, yet good day.
Did a few less than ideal moments happen? Of course! The thing is, I purposefully did what I needed to do in order to reset and get back on course to making it a good day. I’m not saying this will work perfectly well every day, but I am saying that I am willing to be more intentional about my pursuit of happiness.
This is the energy I hope to continue in 2023.
Those days are the best! Thanks for sharing your joy!
Thanks for reading! That made for another good part of my day. (smile)